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Types Of Plastics

  The Eleven Most Important Types of Plastic: One of the major innovations of the past century has been the introduction and wide adoption of  plastics  for many day-to-day applications that previously relied on traditional materials like metal, glass, or cotton.  Plastics  have revolutionized many industries for a number of different reasons to include the fact that they resist environmental degradation over time, are generally safe for human beings, are economical and widely available, and are produced with a wide variety of material properties that allow adaptation to many different applications. Here is our list of the top 11  plastics  the modern world simply cannot do without: 1.  Polyethylene terephthalate  (PETE or PET): PET is the most widely produced plastic in the world. It is used predominantly as a fiber (known by the trade name “polyester”) and for bottling or packaging. For example, PET is the plastic used for bottled water and is highly recyclable. Three words or

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